WATERLOUPE: water scarcity risks to the industry and strategies to cope
Samenvatting project
Waterloupe, a dashboard that identifies water scarcity risks now and in the future is being developed by Deltares with the multinational Kimberly-Clark, a manufacturer of personal hygiene products.
The production processes of Kimberly-Clark require considerable amounts of water. Being one of the big water users among other beneficial uses such as drinking water production, agriculture, ecology and recreation Kimberly-Clark wants to take responsibility for sustainable water resource management in regions showing a
risk of, among others, water scarcity. Water related risks such as water scarcity should be assessed to ensure sufficient water of good quality for now and in the future for all stakeholders in a river basin at risk. In 2017 Kimberly-Clark and Deltares started a cooperation to tackle that challenge. The main product of the project is a water risk dashboard (Waterloupe) to visualize the water scarcity risks to all stakeholders at the local level and at actor-group level. Our aim is to put water scarcity "under the loupé". This innovative approach now reached its second phase in which we will further improve the dashboard by sharing mitigation and adaptation options as well as adaptive strategies and adaptive pathways. Key aim is to support industries by improving their water stewardship in catchments allover the world at the same time supporting them in contributing to the SDG's such as SDG 6.
Doel van het project
The aim of this project is to further develop the user-friendly dashboard (WaterLoupe) to visualize water related risks in watersheds where the industry is also active. Currently it already provides information to all beneficial users on the water scarcity risks related to the water use and level of water stress at the scale of their watershed. Both the current situation and the situation under different socio-economic and climate change scenarios are assessed and mostly general recommendations related to those risks are shared. The current dashboard is user-friendly publicly available based on data from local national and global scale and presents indicators at the basin sub-basin level and per sector. It will be launched on World Water Day in March 2018. A Webinar will be organized a few weeks later where contacts from different organisations will be invited (Kimberly-Clark WRIWWF Unilever Femsa foundations …). These organisations are either potential users will help in up-scaling the use of the dashboard or helpfund future developments and related workshops. In 2018 the planned additions to the dashboard are focusing on adding a component that supports the user (plant manager association of farmerswaterboards) in choosing the adequate adaptation strategy and will help answer the following questions. Which actor-group will benefit from the adaptation strategy? What strategy should be prioritized based on the impacts of the different beneficials and for reaching the SDGs? When should the strategy be implemented? How flexible and robust are the strategies considering changing conditions? When to change the strategy if the world (climate and socio-economic developments) evolves differently than expected? Is the catchment getting closer in reaching the SDG’s? Focussing on the benefits of proposed adaptation strategies at actor-group level will enhances the opportunity to conduct good stewardship.
The production processes of Kimberly-Clark require considerable amountsof water. Being one of the big water users among other beneficial usessuch as drinking water production agriculture ecology and recreation Kimberly-Clark wants to take responsibility for sustainable water resourcemanagement in regions showing a risk of among others water scarcity. Water related risks such as water scarcity should be assessed to ensure sufficient water of good quality for now and in the future for all stakeholders in a river basin at risk. In 2017 Kimberly-Clark and Deltares started a cooperation to tackle that challenge. One of the main developments of the project is a water risk dashboard (WaterLoupe) to visualize the water scarcity risks to all stakeholders at the local level. This innovative approach now reached its second phase in which we want to further improve the dashboard by sharing mitigation and adaptation options as well as adaptive strategies and adaptive pathways. Key aim isto support industries by improving their water stewardship in catchmentsall over the world. Innovative of WaterLoupe is the risk assessment at actor-group level instead of only at sector level. For example it specifies between the impacts of water scarcity for smallholder farmers versus large farms. The distinction in impacts at actor level are key in establishing good water stewardship of the industry for the catchment and in contributing to the SDGs. The SDG 6 in this matter is highlighted. The WaterLoupe dashboard could be used as a monitoring tool assessing the 6.4 target “by 2030 substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of fresh water to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering fromwater scarcity”. (source www.sustainabledvelopment.un.org/sdg6). Kimberly-Clark and Deltares intend to apply the WaterLoupe dashboard for water risk assessments.
Uitgevoerde acties
The following activities will mostly be carried out in 2018 the new releaseof the WaterLoupe dashboard will take place beginning of 2019:
• Webinar where current version of WaterLoupe is presentedfollowed by a discussion on proposed new developments and needs of other organisations (april 2018)
• Organization of one workshops in Brazil with local authorities, NGO’s and other stakeholders to discuss current water risks and possible scenario’s (climate change socio-economic regulations and policies) for that area and the impact of those scenario’s on those risks discuss new concepts (adaptation strategies) to be integrated in the new release of WaterLoupe.
• Brazil and Argentina: Analysis of current water availability and water related risks for the stakeholders for the watersheds. Identification of future scenarios in terms of climate change socio-economicdevelopments (land use changes) changes in policies and regulation. Analysis of future water availability and water scarcity-related risks fortwo time horizons including risk of changing regulation
• Conceptual design of additions to the dashboard (component on adaptation strategies and adaptive pathways link to SDG’s)
• Integrate data results of the watershed water risk assessments into the dashboard (Brazil and Argentina)
• Organization of workshop in the Netherlands to present new release of the WaterLoupe dashboard and discuss with other multinationals what their current strategy is on coping with water scarcity-related risks
• Enhance data collection for risk assessment for different beneficiaries by using and combining land use data (maps) and socioeconomic status data (maps).
• Communication strategy to present and share the dashboard (webinar websites social media))
• Project management.
The activities linked to the cases in Brazil and Argentina are partly labelled as experimental research (25%) and partly as industrial research (50% subsidy).
In this project the innovation lies mostly in the coupling of data from different scales (global national local and mill scale) the processing of these data and the visualization of the results in an understandable and simple way based on scientifically sound concepts. WRI has a global tool (Aqueduct) that presents water related risks to business at the global scale. Deltares is also partner in the development of that tool. WaterLoupe is clearly the next step in which water scarcity risks are put “under the loupe” meaning it shares detailed information at the local level so that multinationals and other stakeholders in a basin can take timely measures by using the same knowledge base. Developing such a tool in directcooperation with a multinational is new to Deltares and to Kimberly-Clarkand to our knowledge has not been done before.Furthermore Innovative of WaterLoupe is the risk assessment at actorgroup level instead of only at sector level. For example it specifies between the impacts of water scarcity for smallholder farmers versus large farms. The distinction in impacts at actor level are key in establishing good water stewardship of the industry for the catchment and in contributing to the SDGs. Key for these innovative developments is also the participatory element whereby the global to local coupling is done in a collaborative way by including stakeholders in the process.
Intellectueel eigendom
Alle partijen krijgen alle resultaten van het Project ter beschikking. De resultaten van de samenwerking kunnen breed verspreid worden. Partijen kunnen over deze resultaten vrijelijk publiceren. De resultaten zullen volledig openbaar beschikbaar zijn, met uitzondering van ter beschikking gestelde achtergrondkennis.
Informatievoorziening project
De informatie over dit project wordt kenbaar gemaakt via de website van de TKI Deltatechnologie (projectbeschrijving) en de projectwiki van Deltares (projectvoortgang en resultaten).
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