Rivers in D-HYDRO
Samenvatting project
Within this project the following activities will be performed:
• Implementing and testing of complex steering possibilities of structures in 1D within the D-HYDRO Suite (2018)
• Improvement of the available relations for the sediment distribution over bifurcations and confluences in 1D within
the D-HYDRO Suite (2018).
• Including the possibility for adding laterals (including sediment) in 1D within the D-HYDRO Suite (2018)
• Validation of the application of for 1D supercritical flow in rivers within the D-HYDRO Suite (2019)
• Performing a pilot study with Hydrotee on a river in Austria (supercritical flow and complex structures; 2019)
• Performing a pilot study with Jpower on a river in Japan (sediment transport over structures and confluences; 2019).
The result is a alfa project version of the (open source) D-HYDRO Suite, in which the functionalities that are developed within this project are adopted. Also the test models for these new functionalities will be made available from the web platform of the RiverLab. Furthermore there will be publications of the experiences obtained from the pilot studies within this TKI project.
Doel van het project
The overall goal is to boost integral river modelling both nationally and internationally to be able to answer complex questions in the future. Thisis done by developing and disclosing specific modelling techniques within state of the art software (D-HYDRO Suite) and make them available to the whole river community.This overall goal related can be divided in multiple sub-goals:
• Improving the 10 functionalities within the hydrodynamic computational kernel of the D-HYDROSuite (e.g. complex steering of structures supercritical flow).
• Improving the iD functionalities within the morphologicalcomputational kernel of the D-HYDROSuite (e.g. sediment distribution over bifurcations sediment through structures).
• Testing the new modelling techniques in two international pilot projects.
• Making the new software and testmodels available to the wholeriver community. Aforementioned goals contribute to multiple questions from the Kennis enInnovatie Clusters (KIC's) as described in this proposal in the section "Relevantie van onderzoeksvoorstel aan primaire (en secundaire) Kie"."
Adaptation of rivers both hydrodynamically and morphologically is aprocess that involves large spatial and temporal scales. Especially whenyou want to look at adaptations due to climate change (sea level risechanges in discharge regime) or due to large scale interventions in thesystem. It is therefore of utmost importance to be able to predict the(long term) development of rivers on larger scales. This gives the need forappropriate numerical models and accompanying software.The RiverLab focusses on larger spatial scales and (long term)morphology. With these requirements a iD modelling approach with 2Dand 3D parts where needed appears to be the best choice. The widelyused iD simulation software for rivers the SOBEK-suite does not fulfillthe demands that are currently set for the support in integral rivermanagement. For this purpose the RiverLab utilizes the 'state of the art'D-HYDROSoftware Suite that integrates multi-dimensional approaches inone package. D-HYDROSuite is a dynamic modelling platform whereinnovative water software meets and connects to the continuous change inproblems coming from the water sector. D-HYDROis an open sourceproduct and has a large (international) user community.The core of the D-HYDROsoftware is a completely new computational core(D-Flow FM) which has been developed in the past years in first instancewith a focus on 2D applications (with a novel flexible mesh approach) alsoin combination with morphology. Lately the development for 3Dapplications has been further enhanced and also the application to lD-2Dsystems for the regional water boards and rural areas is taken intoaccount. However the possibilities for ID modelling of rivers is laggingbehind and further disclosure of specific features for this application isneeded to be able to perform integral river studies.
Uitgevoerde acties
Within this project the following activities will be performed:
• Implementing and testing of complex steering possibilities of structures in ID within the D-HYDROSuite (2018)
• Improvement of the available general relations for the sediment distribution over bifurcations and confluences in ID within the 0-HYDROSuite (2018).
• Implementing a new sediment transport formula using a spatialporosity distribution (2018)
• Validation of the application for ID supercritical flow in riverswithin the D-HYDROSuite (2019)
• Testing the new functionalities in a pilot study with Hydrotec on a river in Austria (supercritical flow and complex structures 2019)
• Testing the new functionalities in a pilot study with Jpower on a river in Japan (sediment transport over structures and confluences 2019).The validation of the test models is mainly done against analytical solutions and already existing (2D) implementations. The models from the pilot studies are validated against measurements as far as possible.
D-HYDROSuite with the D-Flow FMcomputational kernel is open sourceand therefore is distinctive from many other simulation packages. Thepossibility to combine a ID geometry with 2D (and even 3D) is a strongadvantage. In this way you can improve the models in areas where this isneeded. The latter 2D (and 3D) approach make use of an unstructuredgrid approach (with grid cell of random shape) which improves theflexibility and makes it possible to align the grid with important featuresand refine in important areas. In this project the 1D-functionalities areimproved such that real integral river studies will be possible.The advantage of using one integrated software suite is that functionalitiesdeveloped by other parties such as universities knowledge institutes orengineering companies can be easily used and combined (e.g. newnumerical schemes and other processes such as water quality bankerosion and waves). It is also possible to add functionalities via Pythonscriptingwithout having to change the code itself. This allows researchersand other users to adjust and extend the tools to suit their needs. Theopen character of the software also stimulates further innovations anddevelopment in the form of pre- and postprocessing tools by third parties(researchers consultants).One of the innovative part of this project is to implement a generalsediment distribution functionality which can be easily adapted by theuser. Also a new sediment transport formula will be implemented basedon a spatial porosity distribution (which will be available both for ID 2Dand 3D applications).Furthermore the developed (test)models are made available viaOpenEarth models and the RiverLab platform. In this way not only thesoftware can be improved by the total community but also the numerical(river)models itself.
Intellectueel eigendom
Alle partijen krijgen alle resultaten van het Project ter beschikking. De resultaten van de samenwerking kunnen breed verspreid worden. Partijen kunnen over deze resultaten vrijelijk publiceren. De resultaten zullen volledig openbaar beschikbaar zijn, met uitzondering van ter beschikking gestelde achtergrondkennis.
Informatievoorziening project
De informatie over dit project wordt kenbaar gemaakt via de website van de TKI Deltatechnologie (projectbeschrijving) en de projectwiki van Deltares (projectvoortgang en resultaten).
Na de datum waarop deze Overeenkomst in werking is getreden, maar uiterlijk tot een jaar voor de beoogde datum waarop het Project zal zijn voltooid, kunnen ondernemers en/of onderzoeksinstellingen, die op het terrein van het relevante subsidieprogramma van het TKI werkzaam zijn alsnog als Partij toetreden. Een later toetredende Partij zal een nader overeen te komen bijdrage in kind en/of in cash moeten leveren die in redelijke verhouding staat tot zijn relatief aandeel in het Project na toetreding. De overige Partijen ontvangen vervolgens naar rato een terugbetaling en/ of gedeeltelijke vrijstellingen van hun nog te leveren bijdrage in kind, voor zover niet besloten wordt de bijdrage van de later toetredende Partij aan het projectbudget toe te voegen.