DAMSAFE Enhancing Dam safety and Reservor Management in India
Samenvatting project
Dams are critical components of the infrastructure in India. There are 5187 large dams in India (4839 completed and 348 under construction). Many of these structures are old, maintained poorly and the knowledge on their actual safety and state of operation is limited. The dams are aging further, but are also facing different circumstances than when designed, often decades or more ago. India has a long history of dam failures, a recent breach happened in 2009 in the Moolathara Dam in Kerala state.
The water reservoirs behind these dams are of vital importance to the cities and urban areas in India. They provide water for irrigation of the land, are used to generate electricity and offer protection against flooding. Reservoirs are used to regulate water distribution for domestic and industrial use.
Doel van het project
The overarching goal of the pilot project on a reservoir dam in Tarnataka is to enhance dam safety and water management in India and so to strengthen the position of the Dutch water sector. It involves demonstration of innovative solutions. The time span of the project is 20 months involving a 9 months operational period of demonstration. Reservoirs and dams have many purposes: (i) dams protect the urban areas against flooding (KIC floodrisk management) (ii) the reservoirs are used for the production of electricity (KIC water and energy) (iii) the water in many reservoirs is also used for irrigation of the land for food prroduction (KIC water and food) and (iv) the water is regulated in a river basin by a serie of reservoirs and dams and so facilitate water distribution for domestic and industrial use (KIC water management).
Dams are critical components of the infrastructure in India. There are 5187 large dams in India (4839 completed and 348 under construction). Many of these structures are old maintained poorly and the knowledge on their actual safety and state of operation is limited. The dams are aging further but are also facing different circumstances than when designed often decades or more ago. India has a long history of dam failures a recent breach happened in 2009 in the Moolathara Dam in Kerala state.The water reservoirs behind these dams are of vital importance to the cities and urban areas in India. They provide water for irrigation of the land are used to generate electricity and offer protection against flooding. Reservoirs are used to regulate water distribution for domestic and industrial use.
Uitgevoerde acties
This overarching goal is achieved by delivery of the following set of actions:1. To demonstrate tools that forecast reservoir inflow and outflow increasing reservoir performance and more controlled release of water in the environment.2. To demonstrate innovative tools for assessment of the dam condition resulting in optimization of Operation and Maintenance (O&M).3. To demonstrate innovative tools for rapid and risk based assessment of dam safety in order to provide information for emergency response.4. To receive local staff and students in the Netherlands for training and capacity building.5. To organise open sessions during the project with stakeholders end-users and the wider water and dam safety community in order to discuss plans and to actively disseminate project results e.g. during the yearly national dam safety conference in India.6. To increase cooperation between the consortium partners not only on a technical level but also in using our combined relation network and marketing approach.7. To identify in-depth the potential for application and up scaling. 8. To reach out to new end-users in India during and beyond the project in order to generate business.
In India the application of in-situ monitoring of dams and reservoirs and the use of aerial or satellite photo images is progressing. However satellite SAR imaging and the use of numerical modelling to forecast behaviour (risks safety) of the system including data-model integration is still very limited. For India the DAMSAFE consortium is bringing a number of new technologies to the table that have been developed and proven elsewhere. The innovation consists of (i) integrating these different technologies (i.e. PS-InSAR in-situ monitoring risk modelling and FEWS software) into solutions (ii) demonstrating the technologies in India that are proven technology in other countries (e.g. USA Spain and the Netherlands) and (iii) applying the technologies across different sectors (i.e. from dike to dam).
The ambition of the DAMSAFE partners is to use this pilot project as a starting point for a long-term cooperation to generate more business in the Indian water (reservoir) sector. The focus is on the integral solutions the companies Royal Eijkelkamp, SkyGeo and iPresas will demonstrate to the customers in this sector. The role of Deltares as a research organisation is to support the companies with the needed integrating, enabling technologies in accordance with our open source software strategy. Deltares has been involved in a number of projects in India, e.g. the water resources management of the Ganges basin (funded by the WB), the Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) funded by the WB, policy and technical assistance on operational research to support mainstreaming of integrated flood management under climate change (funded by ADB and UKaid), consultancy services for conducting river behavioral analysis in the Kosi river basin and beach erosion studies for Visakhapatnam. Given the larger scope in the on-going Dam Safety project (US$ 300 million, still to be spent more than half), the National Hydrological Project (WB funded budget of US$ 545 million for 8 years of project duration) and other projects and endeavors in the pipeline, there is a window of opportunity to demonstrate the innovative solution the Netherlands have to offer and, by sharing the results, to strengthen the position of the whole Dutch water sector. Valorisation consists of (1) the demonstation of solutions in the pilot project on an actual dam and reservoir in Karnataka and (2) our knowledge dissemination strategy involving a DAMSAFE website, conference papers, report of 2 missions to India, report, technical reports and the end workshop with stakeholders and the wider community. The follwong groups of end-users have been identified (1) the water resources departments and electricity boards of the 7 states participating in DRIP, the other states in India and other countries facing similar needs, e.g. Brazil, China, Korea and Turkey.
Intellectueel eigendom
Alle partijen krijgen alle resultaten van het Project ter beschikking. De resultaten van de samenwerking kunnen breed verspreid worden. Partijen kunnen over deze resultaten vrijelijk publiceren. De resultaten zullen volledig openbaar beschikbaar zijn, met uitzondering van ter beschikking gestelde achtergrondkennis.
Informatievoorziening project
De informatie over dit project wordt kenbaar gemaakt via de website van de TKI Deltatechnologie (projectbeschrijving) en de projectwiki van Deltares (projectvoortgang en resultaten).
Na de datum waarop deze Overeenkomst in werking is getreden, maar uiterlijk tot een jaar voor de beoogde datum waarop het Project zal zijn voltooid, kunnen ondernemers en/of onderzoeksinstellingen, die op het terrein van het relevante subsidieprogramma van het TKI werkzaam zijn alsnog als Partij toetreden. Een later toetredende Partij zal een nader overeen te komen bijdrage in kind en/of in cash moeten leveren die in redelijke verhouding staat tot zijn relatief aandeel in het Project na toetreding. De overige Partijen ontvangen vervolgens naar rato een terugbetaling en/ of gedeeltelijke vrijstellingen van hun nog te leveren bijdrage in kind, voor zover niet besloten wordt de bijdrage van de later toetredende Partij aan het projectbudget toe te voegen.