The Dutch Life Sciences & Health (LSH) sector is one of nine “top sectors” in the Netherlands. The top sectors are designated by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and are selected on their ability to contribute substantially to global societal challenges. Health~Holland is the Top Sector LSH’s communication channel.

The Top Sector LSH entails a broad scope of disciplines, from pharmaceuticals to medtech, from healthcare infrastructure to vaccination. In order to realise its mission – vital citizens in a healthy economy – the top sector builds on the strengths of the Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector to address the biggest societal challenges in prevention, cure and care: improving the quality of life (vitality) while restraining the costs of healthcare.

The Top Sector LSH initiates and stimulates multidisciplinary public-private partnership (PPP) to valorise innovation. By attracting financial means, sharing best practices and the univocal Health~Holland sector communication, the top sector boosts a productive infrastructure.