Nieuw project gestart: WaterLOUPE: water scarcity risks to the industry and strategies to cope phase 3

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WaterLOUPE, a dashboard that identifies water scarcity risks now
and in the future is being developed by Deltares with the
multinational Kimberly-Clark, a manufacturer of personal hygiene
The production processes of Kimberly-Clark require considerable
amounts of water. Being one of the big water users among other
beneficial uses such as drinking water production, agriculture,
ecology and recreation Kimberly-Clark wants to take responsibility
for sustainable water resource management in regions showing a
risk of, among others, water scarcity. Water related risks such as
water scarcity should be assessed to ensure sufficient water of good
quality for now and in the future for all stakeholders in a river basin
at risk. In 2017 Kimberly-Clark and Deltares started a cooperation to
tackle that challenge. The main product of the project is a water risk
dashboard (WaterLOUPE) to visualize the water scarcity risks to all
stakeholders at the local level and at actor-group level. Our aim is to
put water scarcity “under the loupe”.
In 2018, the dashboard was translated to a web-based tool
accessible to all stakeholders and will be released officially to a
broader audience in March 2019, on World Water Day. In 2018, a
conceptual extension of the dashboard was also developed. It
focused on adding a module on sharing adaptation strategies. In this
project we further develop the WaterLOUPE tool by integrating
solution strategies to combat water risks for private sector. By this
way, the new tool will be applicable for private sector to assess
water related climate risks and adaptation strategies to underpin
future investments to increase climate resilience of private sector.
Key aim is to support industries by improving their water
stewardship in catchments all over the world at the same time
supporting them in contributing to the SDG’s such as SDG 6.

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