Nieuw project gestart: Phase 2 – Delft3D-Slurry development and validation

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The behaviour of soft sediments and slurries in depots and land reclamations is surrounded by uncertainties. The availablility of new monitoring data and measurements will allow a major advance in our understanding of this behaviour and in the ability to model and predict its future properties. This project will begin from the promising results of Phase I. These will be expanded by adding a sediment aging time-dependent function and likely basic 3D simulations. The resulting model will be the single model world-wide with 2D and potentially 3D prediction capability of these processes.

This project will inventorize and integrate current knowledge embed it into the current numerical tool when appropriate validate and test the new tool against industry data deliver the tool as open source andproduce (at least) one conference publication and likely one course onmodeling of deposition of soft sediments.Alongside the new model developments the results of the project will provide an improved understanding of mine tailings and dredged sediment management and reuse. Through partners such as IOSI Carleton University and TU Delft this will lead to an enhancement ofinternational knowledge within the industry network. This model will be able to be utilized by the Dutch partners (e.g. dredging industry or RWS) on large on-going soft sediment projects to improve accuracy of design and reduce risks and cost (e.g. MarkerWadden).

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