Nieuw project gestart: MAMPECInnovation Programme
MAMPEC is an integrated hydrodynamic and chemical fate model commonly used for environmental risk assessment of biocides from antifouling paints and contaminants from ballast water treatment installations. The model and software have been developed and maintained by Deltares since 1999, in cooperation with the Institute for Environmental Studies of the VU University in Amsterdam (until September 2014). The model development and maintenance has been sponsored since 1997 mainly by the European Paint industry (CEPE the European Council of the Paint Industry). A request for sponsoring a new 2.5 year innovative work program including some support and further development (2016-2018) has been approved by CEPE in the fall of 2016.
The final year of this programme has been earmarked for model innovation. Here, CEPEand Deltares propose a joint project to develop and apply more advanced approaches, to conduct validation studies (review of field studies and advanced modeling) and to publish data on the model and applications and hence broaden the
applicability of MAMPEC to potential new fields (fish farming, offshore wind parks). It offers an excellent possibility to further validate and strengthen MAMPEC, to develop new innovative options for higher tier risk assessments and to expand dissemination activities (publications, webinar and regular course).