Nieuw project gestart: Farmers’ app
By combining the latest technological developments in the field of ICT, hydrological models, crop models and satellites, it is possible to develop a real-time forecasting system for crop production, enabling water boards, farmers and the insurance broker to improve their services and possibly reduce costs. .
Therefore, a joint project proposal is made by Achmea (Agro), Deltares and the water boards Aa en Maas and Vechtstromen.
The project is divided in two stages. In phase 1 we will develop in close calibration with the waterboards, Achmea and the farmers the forecasting system for crop production that will feed the developed app by Milan SAF. Also experience from Wageningen Envrionmental Research in crop modelling (WOFOST) will be involved. In phase 2 we will calibrate the models and do data assimilation with available soil moisture and groundwater level measurements retrieved from satellite data to improve the results of the model. The following steps describe the activities to fulfil the project’s objectives.