Nieuw project gestart: Development of rapid assessment numerical tool for fate and environmental impact of fluidized sediment layers
This project aims to develop a numerical tool to rapidly assess the fate and environmental impact of fluidized sediment layers induced by a moving turbidity source. The numerical tool provides insight in the stability and dispersion of turbidity currents and fluid mud in estuarine, tidal and harbour basin environments, especially resulting from a moving turbidity source. During development of this tool, it will be tested and applied by Boskalis to specific dredging
The project is subdivided in two phases:
• Phase I: development and verification of the numerical tool
• Phase II: validation and application of this tool on specificreal dredging operations.
Boskalis and Deltares will collaborate closely in both phases, with Deltares leading Phase I and Boskalis leading Phase II. Phase I includes implementing the relevant physical processes in a numerical tool. By focussing on testing against practical applications in Phase II, high quality model development will be assured and optimum knowledge transfer from Deltares to the private sector and vice versa is guaranteed.
This project will deliver (at least) a numerical tool (executable) together with the relevant background information, and a journal / conference presentation or publication. This tool is important for quick assessment of environmental and
operational implications in harbours and navigation channel maintenance, contributing to safety and quality of navigation infrastructures and water bodies. With minor modifications, the same tools can be utilized in predicting sedimentation and consolidation rates for beneficial use of dredge sediments, building with mud and nature-based applications. Finally, this tool strengthens the knowledge and competitive position of Dutch knowledge institutes and private sector (contractors) abroad.