Nieuw project gestart: Development of process-based tools for assessing reservoir sediment management considering river ecosystem

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Deltares together with J-Power have been working on improving and applying the knowledge and tools related to sediment management in rivers with reservoirs considering the river basin wide ecosystem. Consequently, this research aims to improve sediment transport processes by implementing spatial and temporal variation of porosity and consolidation with cohesive sediment and implementing this functionality in the Delft3D4 software. Moreover, we propose the coupling between morphology, habitat and RTC tools with the development of a Delft3D – Flexile Mesh model and Delta-Shell platform with new routines that link hydro-morphological processes, dam operations and ecology. These models with new functionality and routines will be tested, validated and applied in case studies in a
Japanese reservoir (Funagira, owned by our collaborator J-Power). The models will also be tested on the river basin scale in a large scale synchronized operation of multiple reservoirs considering both sediment and ecology. The outcome of this research is expected to be resulting in our joint conference/journal papers as well.

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