Nieuw project gestart: Baggerspecie als bouwstof grootschalige toepassing voor een eco-innovatieve vooroeverontwikkeling.
The navigation in ports and waterways must be safeguarded by maintenance dredging, i.e. removing of deposited sediments. As maintenance dredging and relocation of these deposits can be highly expensive, port authorities seek for tailor-made solutions to reduce the costs and at the same time guarantee safe navigation.
We will consider several options for reducing dredging costs:
SHORT-TERM: dredge more efficiently & reduce sediment return flow
LONG-TERM: modify intervention protocol
Water injection dredging (WID) is an example of a technique to reduce dredging costs on the short term. However, to avoid additional siltation in the vicinity and/or strong return flows, WID should be applied in combination with a favorable bed slope, ebb currents or/and a sediment trap, from which sediment can be dredged more efficiently. The project will be linked to SURICATES, which is aiming to optimize locations and conditions at which sediment is released. Revising the criterium for nautical bottom is an example of modification of intervention protocols. Instead of removing sediment, its presence is accepted as vessels may navigate through
fluid mud layers. Local sediment conditioning of mud by WID may be required for sailing through it. Also, good insight into the thickness, extent and rheological properties of the fluid mud layers is required. Products are:
– Technical reports and scientific publications
– Open-source dataset and models at PoR
– Description of the project results for general audience via the website